Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education
Designated Officer: Colette Owen
The Diocese has a representative on each local authority’s SACRE:
Anglesey: Colette Owen
Conwy: Colette Owen
Denbighshire: Colette Owen
Flintshire: John Morgan
Gwynedd: Eirian Bradley Roberts
Powys: Sr Helen Bamber
Wrexham: Liz Davies
The Role and Composition of SACRE
The purpose of a SACRE is to advise the local authority (LA) on matters related to religious education and collective worship in state maintained schools.
The LA is responsible for the composition of SACRE. SACRE is made up of three groups:
Representatives of Christian denominations and other religions to reflect broadly the proportionate strength of that denomination or religion in the area.
Associations representing teachers.
LA representatives.
SACRE may co-opt additional non-voting members in accordance with the constitution.
WASACRE – Wales Association of Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education
The members of each SACRE are also members of WASACRE. The purpose of WASACRE is to provide a forum for the exchange of good practice and to represent the aims, work, and views of its member SACREs.
CES Briefing for SACRES Nov 2022
CES Briefing for SACRES Oct 2022
CES Briefing for SACRES July 2022
CES Briefing for SACRES May 2022
Curriculum for Wales Guidance for Catholic Schools
WASACRE Meeting Minutes November 2021 Welsh
WASACRE Meeting Minutes November 2021 English
WASACRE Qualifications Wales GCSE