Governors' Development
Governor Training Modules - Formatio
Formatio have produced 5 training modules for governors. These are useful for new governors as an induction programme but are also useful for serving governors and indeed senior staff.
Each module lasts for approximately 30 minutes and most have been updated for schools in Wales.
It would be useful to incorporate a module in a full governors meeting, however, they are also designed for personal use.
The resources are free; users should create a log in account for their own use.
Please note, the courses are designed to be completed in order and therefore governors need to complete Module 1 before they can proceed to Module 2.
Module 1 - Introduction to Catholic Education
Module 2 - The Environment of Catholic Education
Module 3 - Strategic Direction
Module 4 - Accountability
Module 5 - Financial Probity
Governor Training Module 5 - Finance Module
Safeguarding Training for Governors (Wales)